Due Diligence

Due diligence reviews are used to evaluate a company in the event of a corporate acquisition, the purchase of equity interests in a company or in the event of an IPO. This involves a precise analysis of the risks associated with a company takeover for the acquirer. In the area of food companies, the due diligence audit focuses on compliance with food law requirements. This examination can cover almost all areas of food law, e.g. compliance with requirements for the composition and labelling of a food product, compliance with food hygiene law, the permissibility of contact materials, customer management systems, certifications, food fraud, food defence, trademark rights etc.


Compliance & Food Safety Culture

Competition Law

Civil & Contract Law, including general terms and conditions

Trademark & Design Law (Industrial Property)

Criminal & Administrative Offences Law

Information Law, Consumer Information Law

Due Diligence

German Agricultural Organisations and Supply Chains Act

German Supply Chain Due Diligence Law

Accreditation Law

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